About us
KombiConsult is a management advisory firm specialized in sustainable intermodal logistics. Our motto: “Intermodal logistics is our DNA”, because we strive to strengthen intermodality of the logistics industry and thereby increasing the productivity and environmental friendliness of freight transport. To do this, we combine many years of practical experience, technological know-how and market knowledge with scientific methodologies. This ensures creative and customer-oriented solutions.

Since our foundation in 2000, we have been developed and implemented a wide range of intermodal logistics concepts with freight forwarders, shippers, railways, intermodal operators, ports, and terminal operators. We have also supported transport ministries and international organisations with strategic and transport policy tasks. Here – as with multinational research and development projects – our pragmatic consulting approach is the decisive success factor.
Our Team
We are a team of seven experts specialised in the fields of economics, traffic engineering, geography and digitalisation.
Jannik Barth
M.Sc. Industrial engineering and economics
Rico Bode
M.Sc. Traffic and transport
Dirk Geyer
Diploma Business Administration
Kai Petri
Diploma Business Administration
Viktoria Präg-Jähn
Diploma Business Administration
Klaus-Uwe Sondermann
Diploma Geograph
Christina Wölfert
Diploma Traffic Engineer
Business fields
We strive to strengthen the innovation and efficiency of the intermodal logistics industry. How we can contribute to this with our business fields “intermodal logistics”, “market research”, “framework”, “and digitalisation”, you will learn more about here. Based on our many years of experience and project work, we offer you customer-oriented solutions for your individual requirements.
Consulting partners
Gut vernetzt ist halb gewonnen. Wir verfügen über ein starkes und breit aufgestelltes Partnernetzwerk, um Ihnen als Kunde ein noch größeres Spektrum an Lösungen zu bieten. Here you will find a selection of our long-standing consulting partners with whom we are already successfully working.
Customer portfolio
We offer a wide range of individual services for our customers. As a result, our customer spectrum, consisting of many private, commercial and institutional clients, is very diverse. See for yourself.
Governmental Bodies & Federal/Local Associations
BAV – Bundesamt für Verkehr, Bern (CH)
BMDV – Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (DE)
COMCEC – Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of OIC, Ankara (TR)
DGITM – Ministry of Transport, Paris (FR)
European Commission, DG MOVE, Bruxelles (BE)
LISt – Gesellschaft für Verkehrswesen und ingenieurtechnische Dienstleistungen mbH, Hainichen (DE)
Provincial Government of Tyrol, Innsbruck (AT)
Industry Associations
BöB – Federal Association of Inland Ports, Berlin (DE)
CER – Community of European Railway & Infrastructure Companies, Bruxelles (BE)
STRING Network, Sorø (DK)
UIC – International Union of Railways, Paris (FR)
UIRR – International Union for Road-Rail Combined Transport, Bruxelles (BE)
VDV – Association of German Transport Companies, Köln (DE)
Infrastructure Managers
A22 Autostrada del Brennero, Trento (IT)
BASF Schwarzheide GmbH, Schwarzheide (DE)
DB Netze, Frankfurt am Main (DE)
EEIG Rail Freight Corridor 1, Frankfurt am Main (DE)
IBB Industriebahnhof Stade-Brunshausen GmbH, Stade (DE)
Jernhusen AB, Stockholm (SE)
PKV – Planungsgesellschaft Kombinierter Verkehr Duisburg mbH, Duisburg (DE)
RegioInvest Inn-Salzach GmbH, Burghausen (DE)
SBB Netz, Bern (CH)
Wirtschaftsförderung Region Kassel GmbH, Kassel (DE)
Intermodal Operators
CEMAT S.p.A., Mailand (IT)
DB Intermodal Services GmbH, Mainz (DE)
Hannibal/Sogemar, Mailand (IT)
IFB – Inter Ferry Boats, Antwerpen (BE)
Kombiverkehr Deutsche Gesellschaft für kombinierten Güterverkehr mbH & Co. KG, Frankfurt am Main (DE)
Novatrans, Paris (FR)
Railway Undertakings
DB Cargo AG, Mainz (DE)
DB Schenker Rail, Mainz (DE)
Etihad Rail Company, Abu Dhabi (AE)
Lokomotion Gesellschaft für Schienentraktion mbH, München (DE)
Rail Cargo Austria, Wien (AT)
RTC – Rail Traction Company SpA, Bozen (IT)
SBB Cargo Deutschland GmbH, Duisburg (DE)
Terminal Operators
Combinant NV, Antwerpen (BE)
Container Terminal Herne GmbH, Herne (DE)
Contargo AG, Mannheim (DE)
DUSS – Deutsche Umschlaggesellschaft Schiene-Straße mbH, Bodenheim (DE)
Hupac SpA, Busto Arsizio (IT)
Hupac Transport GmbH, Singen (DE)
KTL – Kombi-Terminal Ludwigshafen GmbH, Ludwigshafen am Rhein (DE)
Interporto Bologna SpA, Bologna (IT)
ÖBB Terminal Services Austria, Wien (AT)
RSC Rotterdam, Rotterdam (NL)
Swissterminal, Frenkendorf (CH)
WienCont, Wien (AT)
Inland & Sea Ports
Antwerp Port Authority, Antwerpen (BE)
Dortmunder Hafen AG, Dortmund (DE)
Häfen und Güterverkehr Köln AG, Köln (DE)
Inland Ports of Krefeld, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim & Neuss-Düsseldorf (DE)
Eurogate GmbH & Co. KGaA, KG, Bremerhaven/Hamburg/Wilhelmshaven (DE)
LHG – Lübecker Hafen-Gesellschaft mbH, Lübeck (DE)
Stadtwerke Dortmund AG, Dortmund (DE)
Logistics Service Providers
Bertschi AG, Dürrenäsch (CH)
DB Cargo Logistics GmbH, Kelsterbach (DE)
DHL Freight GmbH, Hannover (DE)
Ekol Logistics, Istanbul (TR)
Hangartner AG, Aarau (CH)
Hellmann GmbH & Co. KG, Osnabrück (DE)
Hoyer GmbH Internationale Fachspedition, Hamburg (DE)
J. Müller Weser GmbH & Co. KG, Bremen (DE)
Lanfer Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Meppen (DE)
Löblein Transport GmbH, Schillingsfürst (DE)
Karl Schmidt Spedition GmbH & Co. KG, Heilbronn (DE)
Klumpp + Müller GmbH & Co. KG, Kehl (DE)
Mitsui MRCE LogNet B.V., Amsterdam (NL)
Paneuropa GmbH, Vechta (DE)
Winner Spedition GmbH & Co. KG, Iserlohn (DE)
BASF SE, Ludwigshafen am Rhein (DE)
Ferriera Cattaneo SA, Giubiasco (CH)
Jäckering Mühlen- und Nährmittelwerke GmbH, Hamm (DE)